All Aboard The Reboot Van In Fortnite

All Aboard The Reboot Van In Fortnite

We all know that Fortnite and updates go hand in hand. Well, there is a pretty big, I would almost say “game-changing” update that is about to hit. Actually, it very well could have hit by the time you read this!

It seems that the folks at Epic have been keeping a close eye on what Apex Legends are doing as the new features, The Reboot Van that is being added to Fortnite is very similar to what Apex Legends offers.

The idea of The Reboot Van is that in squads and duos. If a player gets downed, a teammate can then pick up their Reboot Card, take it to the Reboot Van and then that player gets a second chance at life.

This is a massive, massive update for Fortnite and it could very well change the way that many squads and duos go about playing the game. This added element gives you an extra shot at winning, but at the same time, I would bet that The Reboot Van’s will be a hotbed of people waiting to pick folks off.

The Reboot Van’s will be sprinkled across the map and I am not 100 percent sure if their location will change each time you play or if they will have a set location. Of course, some new cosmetics, balances and map changes are going to be part of this next Fortnite update. However, The Reboot Van is the thing that has really got people talking.

I think it sounds like a pretty interesting feature and it is one I am really looking forward to seeing in the game.

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