
Showing posts from May, 2017

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Mimic A Great Mod For Fast Paced Maps

Mimic A Great Mod For Fast Paced Maps Mimic Modded Controllers Ok so one of the more interesting and underrated features of the controllers we sell here at Mods “R” Us is Mimic. When people are looking at controllers like our fantastic, 6000 Mode Modded Controllers Xbox One , Mimic is one of the features that some people overlook and that is a shame as it is a feature that can be pretty devastating on maps that are more run and gun based, which many maps on Call Of Duty are. So what exactly does the Mimic mod do? Well, we know that the name, Mimic, probably conjures up a ton of things in your head. But basically what Mimic does is it will make sure that when you are using dual weapons, you can just pull the right trigger and it will fire both. Having to use both triggers, especially when things are fast and frantic can be a bit of a chore, but with the Mimic mod, you do not have to worry about it. You just keep pulling on that right trigger and both guns will fire. But that is not all.

Spray Bullets With The Fun Jitter Mod

Spray Bullets With The Fun Jitter Mod Jitter Mod Controllers Ok, so we all know that any good game of Call Of Duty is just full of people running around the map, looking to kill anything that moves. Our series of high-end modded controllers for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Xbox 360 have some great mods, but one that we are really proud of is Jitter! Now Jitter does not work on all of the Call Of Duty games, it is mainly used for the newer ones. But wow is it a ton of fun and it just makes having a game of Call Of Duty that extra bit fun or it can even get you out of a jam if you find yourself in the wrong part of the map all by yourself. This mod is called Jitter because when you have it activated, you are actually shooting bullets at a faster rate than the game intends you to do! This is awesome and you literally just fill the screen with bullets and it is a lot of fun to see another player wonder just what the heck is going on as you do. We know that using Jitter all the time may not

Take Control Of Your Semi-Automatic Weapons With Burst Fire

Take Control Of Your Semi-Automatic Weapons With Burst Fire Burst Fire Mod Controllers Here at Mods “R” Us as you have probably guessed, we play a ton of Call Of Duty (not to mention other first person shooters as well) we have tried coming up with all kinds of different mods for our controllers that we feel will not just help a player become a more dominant force on any map that they are on, but also make things more fun and exciting. Burst Fire is one of the more popular features of our 6000 Mode Modded Controllers Xbox One and our PlayStation 4 controllers as well. We think the reason is that it is not just a mod that is fun, but it is a mod that is actually pretty useful. A few people in the Mods “R” Us office like to try and manage their own Burst Fire, where you fire a few rounds, wait, fire some more. This is as you know, called Burst Fire and it is a skill that can be pretty devastating if used by the right player. The thing is knowing when to take a break from shooting and wh

Use Drop Shot To Take Down Your Enemy

Use Drop Shot To Take Down Your Enemy! Drop Shot Mod Controllers Now here is a situation that I am sure you can all relate to. You are running and gunning and then you come across some dude who you have in your sites and then he hits the deck and blows you away. Dropping to the deck to take someone down is something that many Call Of Duty players use. Some see it as a cheap trick, but hey it works and really it is just a strategy that many people are using. It is a great skill to master, but in the heat of the moment can be hard to pull off and instead you end up a bullet pin cushion. Well, Drop Shot is a great way to enable you to be the one who is the master of this skill. When you have the Drop Shot mod turned on as soon as you pull that right trigger, you are going to hit the floor. This means that there is no need for you to have to double tap the duck button to hit the floor. Which more often than not by the time you do… you are dead. You do not have that worry with this mod acti

Use Rapid Fire To Save Time And Kick Butt

Use Rapid Fire To Save Time And Kick Butt Use  Rapid Fire  Kick Butt Here at Mods “R” Us our controllers have tons of cool features, but one of the most popular features of controllers such as the Master Modded Controllers Ps4 Green Out is Rapid Fire. First of all, with a name like Rapid Fire, you know right away this is an awesome feature, but you may be wondering just what in the heck does Rapid Fire do? Well, it is exactly what it sounds like, it helps you shoot really fast. In essence, it turns single fire and semi-automatic guns into fully automatic guns! Now that my friends are awesome and sure to make your kill ratio shoot up in any COD that you are playing. Once you turn on Rapid Fire, which by the way is very, very easy to do. You simply pick the gun that you want and hold down the fire trigger. The mod kicks in and makes the game think you are pressing the trigger super fast so any single fire or semi-automatic gun now shoots at a much faster rate. This is great as it means

Use The Sniper Breath Mod To Never Miss A Headshot

Use The Sniper Breath Mod To Never Miss A Headshot Sniper Breath Modded Controllers One of the more interesting features and a mod that is very popular is Sniper Breath. We are huge fans of Call Of Duty: Black Ops III and the Sniper Breath ability really is a fantastic idea. Here at Mods “R” Us, we take our hats off to those of you who are great at playing as a sniper, but for many of us, we take an age to aim our shot.. and still miss or even worse our target has moved or we have been shot by someone else. Sniper Breath though is an ability that keeps you cool, calm and collected. The problem is that to activate this ability as well as aiming in with the left trigger, you have to push in the analog stick as well, which as we all know trying to aim while pushing in the analog stick is a real nightmare. But with our awesome Sniper Breath mod activated, you do not have to have this epic battle with your analog stick. You see as soon as you zoom in with the left trigger to take down your

Become The Ultimate Sniper With Our Quick Scope Mod

Become The Ultimate Sniper With Our Quick Scope Mod Ultimate Sniping With Our Quick Scope Mod Playing as a sniper is something that requires a certain level of skill. It is not a class that just everyone can play. But most people (us here at Mods “R” Us included) feel that there is just something so cool about playing as a sniper, well if you are good at it there is. For most of us, playing as a sniper who is actually good is really, really tough. That was one of the things we wanted to fix when we were putting together mods for our great selection of PlayStation 4 and Xbox One modded controllers. That is where the Quick Scope mod comes in. Most of us will scope before we shoot, especially if we are using a sniper rifle. But sometimes by the time you find your target, scope, pull the trigger they have moved out of the way or you have been taken out yourself! With our awesome Quick Scope mod, you will not have this kind of trouble. The reason for this is that once you pull down the left

How Call Of Duty Mod Controllers Began

How Call Of Duty Mod Controllers Began All Controllers Work with Call of Duty Modded controllers were made during the last nine years after the release of the Xbox 360 and ps3 consoles into the market. Now that the xbox one & ps4 is out on the market as well, people are already aware that they can have modded controllers and the demand for them is real high. These mod controllers were created in order to let you play the call of duty games the way you have always wanted to have ultimate power. In first person shooters like call of duty you can perform auto run - quick scope -  jump shot - dropshot and more they help you perform actions a lot quicker and shoot at an exceptionally fast rate with semi - automatic wepons all thanks to the rapid fire controllers. Rapid fire controllers change semi automatics and burst fire weapons into full automatic machine guns.

Jump With A Snipe Perfect Timing In A Perfect Game Flawless

  Jump With A Snipe Perfect Timing In A Perfect Game Flawless The Full Flawless Game Video can be viewed here

Jump With A Snipe Perfect Timing In A Perfect Game Flawless

  Jump With A Snipe Perfect Timing In A Perfect Game Flawless The Full Flawless Game Video can be viewed here

50-0 Flawless Perfect Multiplayer Game Video Black Ops 3

50-0 Flawless Perfect Multiplayer Game Video Black Ops 3 Check Out Our Youtube Channel For More Great Videos

Auto Aim For Zombies Xbox One Ps4 Call Of Duty

Auto Aim For Zombies Xbox One - Ps4 -  Call Of Duty Auto Aim For Zombies Ps4 - Xbox One -  Call Of Duty The zombies mode can bring you a ton of excitement as you play Call of Duty. But the reality is that it can also be quite exciting to be honest, you just have to explore all the gameplay ideas presented here. However, there are times when you have to deal with too many zombies. When that happens, the only thing that you can do is to try and use a mod. Auto Aim For Zombies is a very good mod designed to help you boost your gameplay and have fun as much as you want. The nice thing about this mod is that it provides you with a very impressive and downright rewarding experience. The way you use it is rather simple. You install it and activate the mod, then you will have a whole lot of fun with it. You have to realize that Auto Aim For Zombies is a very interesting mod that makes it a lot easier to kill your enemies. The more you play COD, the easier it will be to kill those zombies. But

The PS4 Green Out Controller Makes You A COD Master

The PS4 Green Out Controller Makes You A COD Master! Ps4 Mod Controllers Custom Colors As a long time Call Of Duty player, I am always excited to try something out that is going to take my COD experience to the next level. Well, I was given the chance to have a little fun and put the awesome PS4 Green Out Controller through its paces and see just how better a player it made me. I have spent a lot of time with this controller thanks to the good folks at Mods "R" Us . I tried out Call Of Duty Remastered and Infinite Warfare with this controller and I wanted to give a few thoughts and opinions on the way the controller enhanced my game. Mess With Your Opponent: First thing I want to talk about is the drop shot/jump shot mode. No doubt you have run after an enemy, got them in your sights, and then they hit the deck and blow you away! With drop shot activated as soon as you start firing, you hit the floor which messes up your opponents aim. Jump shot is the same kind of thing, e

Use Quick Reload To Make Sure You Are Always Ready

Use Quick Reload To Make Sure You Are Always Ready Quick Reload For Xbox One - Ps4 Controller Mods Here at Mods "R" Us, we have the best selection of modded controllers you are going to see. No matter if you are a Playstation or Xbox Call Of Duty player, you will find that perfect controller for you here. Each controller has a ton of different mods, but one of the best is  Quick Reload . Quick Reload Here is a situation most of you will be able to relate to. You are running around the map, having the game of your life, on an epic kill streak and you come across another opponent. In all the excitement, you have forgotten to reload and then BAM you are dead because you were trying to reload in the middle of a firefight! This is a situation most COD players can relate to. When you have the Quick Reload mod activated, you do not have to worry about this as the time it takes to reload is significantly reduced. You still reload the exact same way you wold normally (X for Xbox and T

Use JumpShot To Mess With Your Opponents

Use JumpShot To Mess With Your Opponents JumpShot For Xbox One - Ps4 Controllers We have spent a lot of time making sure our controllers like the 6000 Mode White LED Modded Controller and the PS4 Green Out Controller as well as all the others are as awesome as possible and one of the most fun and useful features is JumpShot. What is JumpShot? Wow, JumpShot is just a ton of fun. You know how sometimes you are running around a map and you come face to face with an enemy and you just start blasting at each other? Well, JumpShot is a way to give you a real edge in situations like this. You see when you hit the shoot button, your character will start jumping. This really does throw off your enemies aim, giving you a huge edge. It also gives you practice in shooting while you are jumping which is always a good skill to master in COD. While you are jumping it makes it very, very hard for your enemy to keep their aim on you. It is kind of funny to watch your opponent trying to figure out wha

Use Quick Aim To Take Your Enemies Down

Use Quick Aim To Take Your Enemies Down Quick Aim For  Ps4 - Xbox One Controller Mods Here at Mods "R" Us we want to make sure that all of our epic, modded controllers are full of awesome features that are going to make sure you are the king of any map that you are strutting around. One of the best features of our controllers has to be Quick Aim. So let's just say that you are using our awesome, 6000 Mode Modded Controllers Xbox One . As soon as you activate the Quick Aim mod on the controller, you are ensuring that you will have the upper hand in battle. Some of us, even those who have been playing Call Of Duty and other first person shooters for many years, will always pull the left trigger before shooting. No matter how better we get at the game, we still need that extra bit of aim that the left trigger gives. With the Quick Aim mod activated. You will aim as soon as you pull the firing trigger. That is right. No more holding down the left trigger and trying to aim. Yo

Why I Am Excited For Call Of Duty WW2

Why I Am Excited For Call Of Duty WW2 Call Of Duty WW2 Xbox One - Ps4 Ok so let me start by saying that I actually had a lot of fun with Call Of Duty Infinite Warfare. Sure the game was not to everyone’s taste, but it had a fun campaign, solid multiplayer and the best zombies of any COD game! But, I get that the futuristic setting was a bit too much for some people and that is cool. However for the next game, Call Of Duty WW2, Sledgehammer Games is going back to the past and setting the game in World War 2. So far we have just had the one trailer and a little bit of leaked information, but while the Infinite Warfare trailer was the most disliked trailer in YouTube history, most folks are pretty positive about the trailer for Call Of Duty WW2. Apparently, Sledgehammer Games went to work on Call Of Duty WW2 just after they finished the awesome, Advanced Warfare (which was futuristic, but not too futuristic for most people's tastes) so the decision to set the game during World War 2 w

Run And Gun With Our Easy Sprint Mod

Run And Gun With Our Easy Sprint Mod Easy Sprint Modded Controllers One of the best features that our Playstation 4 and Xbox One modded controllers has is Easy Sprint. A game of Call Of Duty (or any other first person shooter for that matter) can move at 100 mph and that is why you always want to be on the move, well unless you are a sniper of course. But for those of you who do have a run and gun style of play, Easy Sprint is just what you need to make yourself even more deadly. Easy Sprint is a way to make running around the map a little easier. Each controller has their own Easy Sprint mod and it is perfect for those of you (well most of us actually) that find having to press down or even worse, hold down the R3 button a real pain in the butt. It is such an awkward thing to do and you always seem to stop sprinting before you want to. When you have Easy Sprint turned on, you do not have to worry about using the R3 button or just holding down the left analog stick anymore and that is

New Weapons Could Be Found In Cod Infinite Warfare

New Weapons Could Be Found In Cod Infinite Warfare But Not Confirmed Information uncovered new weapons that could come soon to Call of Duty : Infinite Warfare.  The new weapon models for barrett 50 caliber sniper rifle,  MP 28, Model 2187, Mini Lmg and that's only the tip of the iceberg.  Following the lastest patch for Infinite Warfare the  Baret  50 Calaber appeared in the Zombies After Action Report screen as an unlockable weapon, in spite of the fact that it is not accessible yet.  These weapons could simply be Infinity Ward testing things. There's no sign of when or if these weapons will released for Infinite Warfare yet.

Take Your COD Experience To The Next Level With The 6000 Mode Modded Controllers Xbox One

Take Your COD Experience To The Next Level With The 6000 Mode Modded Controller Xbox One White Led! 6000 Mode Modded Controller Xbox One White Led Hey guys, today I want to share with you, my experiences with the awesome, 6000 Mode Modded Controller Xbox One Like you I am a huge Call Of Duty fan and on Xbox One, no matter if you are playing Ghosts, Advanced Warfare, Infinite Warfare or if you are super pumped for WW2. This controller is going to change the way you play Call Of Duty. The guys at Mods "R" Us have really outdone themselves with this controller and I was given the chance to really put it through its paces and wanted to share with you a few of the things that impressed me. Quick Reload: Man, this one here was awesome. I know some folks will fire off a few rounds and then reload, but I am the kind of player who will run a gun into the ground and then get into trouble as when I am reloading, some other player will kill me! This quick reload saved my butt countless

Call Of Duty WW11 - Call Of Duty Multiplayer - More Questions Than Answers

Call Of Duty WW2 - Call Of Duty Multiplayer -  More Questions Than Answers Call Of Duty WW2 Cod game enthusiasts who have fallen out of love with call of duty over the last few game releases because they are to futuristic. With that now behind us.... We are heading in a new direction that many Cod Fans have been waiting for years back to the roots world war 2 games that began all of it. The return of the classic Zombies mode, is smart and an glaring effort by Activision to get again these misplaced Cod fans, and it’s working — hype for a CoD game hasn’t felt this playable in years. With simply over 6 months until launch and a few number of weeks  E3, the ww11 info is beginning to feed fans just a few details Call Of Duty WW2 is living flow the newest launch from their extraordinary marketing campaign. To Cod fans, we just want to get down to the details of the multiplayer rather than broad advertising of ww2

Quickscope For FPS Call Of Duty Games Learn More About It Xbox One & Ps4

Quickscope For FPS Call Of Duty Games Learn More About it xbox one & ps4 mods quickscope Quickscope is a very interesting feature and one that very good players in FPS games tend to use very often. But why does it have so much popularity? Maybe the reason why Quickscope is very popular is because it’s an exploit. When you want to use this, you basically make the most out of a feature that shouldn’t be there in the first place. Simply put, a regular sniper will just look through the scope. You shoot when the crosshairs meet without actually opening up the scope and looking through it in its entirety. This is actually a very good idea and one that does provide you with some really nice benefits. You have to realize that Quickscoping an enemy does take a lot of practice and skill. But it can be done and most of the time it’s actually a pleasure to do it. It all comes down to the tactics you use and the approach you have towards this. If you do it properly, you will find that the game