Cod Black Ops IIII Is Going Barebones

Cod Black Ops IIII Is Going Barebones

Now if you are a fan of Call of Duty Black Ops IIII you are already aware of the Operation Grand Heist event that is happening. It looks like it is going to be a ton of fun and I love how the folks at Treyarch are clearly having a lot of fun with it.

One thing that took me by surprise was the announcement of a new playlist that is going to be part of the Operation Grand Heist Call of Duty Black Ops IIII event. Actually, it was a buddy of mine who asked me what I thought about it and I had no clue it was even a thing!

Anyway, this new playlist is called Barebones and it is called that for a reason. Specialists will not be able to use any kind of special moves in this attack. I think that you can still pick your favorite, but they will just play as a regular character.

They have also said that this playlist is going to feature “classic gameplay” they have (as I write this) not gone into much detail about what they mean by classic gameplay, but it is something I am very interested to find more about. They have also not revealed when this Barebones Playlist is going to be added to Black Ops IIII.

Right now fans are speculating what gameplay changes could be made. Perhaps it is going to be something to do with the scorestreaks? Maybe they will let us pick what kind of older COD game we play? That would be awesome as I do actually miss the boost jump.

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