Call of Duty Mobile Is on The Way

Call of Duty Mobile Is on The Way

You know I am actually surprised that it has taken this long for Activision to get serious about bringing the full Call of Duty experience to mobile phones. Games like PUBG and Fortnite have shown that mobile devices are now powerful enough to give a similar experience to what you get at home and with some clever programming they can play pretty well too.

Call of Duty Mobile is going to be something of a greatest hits of the Call of Duty series. It has been revealed that it will feature maps, weapons and so on from the Modern Warfare and the Black Ops series of games which are the most popular from the COD franchise.

Team Deathmatch, Search & Destroy and Free for All are confirmed modes, but there are also some rumors that say Battle Royale and some kind of co-op are also going to be part of Call of Duty Mobile.

Some classic maps have been revealed as being part of the game these are Nuketown, Hijacked and Crash. It is going to be interesting to see how all of this plays out and what the pricing structure for Call of Duty Mobile is. I would assume that the base game will be free and give you a few maps, maybe a couple of game modes and so on.

If Activision gets this right and are not too greedy, they could have a major cash goldmine on their hands with Call of Duty Mobile. Of course, this is Activision we are talking about so there is always the potential for them to be a little bit cash grabby. You can apply to be part of the beta which is happening this summer on the official site and it is well worth doing.

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