Apex Legends Gets Fixed Before First Big Update

Apex Legends Gets Fixed Before First Big Update

If you have been following the Apex Legends Twitter you will have seen that the game is about to get its first addition, a brand new gun. Now as I write this they have a video on their Twitter showing off the gun, but no exact details have been given. We do know that the update is supposed to happen at some point on Thursday.

That though is not what I really want to talk about today. Respawn have addressed a few issues that some people have had. From what I understand these were mainly affecting people who play on the PlayStation 4.

This is known as the 1.04 patch and the PS4 crashing issue appears to be the main thing that it was sent to fix. The patch is also there to fix an issue where if you get revived you move slower than you normally do. I have not had this happen to me, but I can imagine this must have been annoying as hell to deal with.

Apex Legends has been out a couple of weeks at this point and it is good to see Respawn working away at bugs that pop up. Also, it is great to see that they are adding something new to the game pretty quick. Say what you want about Fortnite, but they are great at adding in new content to the game on a weekly basis so hopefully, Apex Legends is going to keep a similar pace.

The 1.04 patch is under 200 MB in size so it will only take a few seconds for it to download and install.


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