What Can EA Do To Make Battlefield V A Success

What Can EA Do To Make Battlefield V A Success

Battlefield V has had quite the trouble since it launched. Not from a gameplay point of view, but in terms of finding an audience and getting gamers to give it a chance.

Battlefield V had the hard task of not just following up from Call of Duty WWII, but also following up from Call of Duty Black Ops IIII which was one of the most hotly anticipated COD games in years. EA also messed up by having a very confusing launch for Battlefield V. First the game was delayed (I do not care what they say, it was delayed to give it more space from Black Ops IIII) and then they had three different release dates, depending on which version or what your membership status was!

This along with the fact that October/November 2018 was stacked with huge releases all went against Battlefield V, plus there was the fact that the beta was not exactly well received. Still, with all this, Battlefield V is a fantastic game and a game I have had a ton of fun with.

Battlefield V has a great multiplayer setup, the single player campaign is a lot of fun and it is very well made. Plus DICE are listening to what players are saying and they are more than happy to tinker with it to try new things out.

It may sound harsh, but I feel that the boat has already sailed for Battlefield V. Those of us who love the game know how good it is. Battlefield V could not have come out at a worse time. I think that is the main problem EA has had in finding their audience, gamers have only so much money and Battlefield V for most people was the game that was easiest to miss out on.

Keep in mind they have slashed the price by as much as half price. However, I feel that if they were to offer a free to play weekend or maybe even a free to play long weekend that they could get people to try the game so they could see how good it is.


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