Squad Conquest Brings More Strategy To Battlefield 5

Squad Conquest Brings More Strategy To Battlefield 5

I have really enjoyed Battlefield 5 since it was launched last year. Dice have rolled out a huge update recently which is the first part of their Chapter 2: Lightning Strikes event which is going to be taking place over the next few months.

One thing that is part of this update is Squad Conquest and this is something that has taken me by surprise and something I am very excited to play. The idea of this mode is that it is a more tactical and intense take on Conquest Mode. There will be two teams of eight and the matches of Squad Conquest will take place on three maps.

The maps being used are Arras, Hamada, and Rotterdam. These have been tweaked though and they are smaller versions of what you are used to. The idea is that there will be different things that you have to do on these maps. The smaller quarters means that you will have to be more strategic and come up with plans to try and take a point, take down the enemy and so on. It sounds a little bit similar to War Mode in WW2 and that is why I am so interested in getting the chance to spend some serious time with this mode.

I have always felt that Battlefield is at its best when you are playing as a team. When you guys are working together to come up with strategies and ideas for how to flank, take a part of the map and anything else that is required. So getting a mode that is all about that is really going to showcase just how good Battlefield 5 is.


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