Did EA and Dice Get Battlefield V Wrong

Did EA and Dice Get Battlefield V Wrong

This is not a blog hating on Battlefield V. As a matter of fact, I pre-ordered the game and I have enjoyed what I have played of it so far. However, last night I finally finished The Last Tiger which was the last War Story chapter.

Let me say that War Stories were very well done and it was a fun single player experience. To be honest though, Call of Duty WWII I feel had a much better WWII story than Battlefield V offered. I loved the way that the German soldiers questioned themselves in The Last Tiger, but overall I feel Call of Duty WWII told a more interesting, personal and action packed story than Battlefield V.

Which got me thinking, did EA and Dice get Battlefield V wrong? To start with setting the game in World War II was a rather big gamble. Now as the last Battlefield was set in World War I this was a logical step. But doing this just a year after Call of Duty absolutely nailed it with WWII was always going to be a challenge. Many gamers will have had their fill of WWII action and that could be a reason as to why the sales of Battlefield V have been disappointing. Had they set it during the Vietnam War or perhaps the Gulf War it would have stood out far more from Sledgehammer Games 2017 game.

Then, of course, there is the window that they decided to release Battlefield V. Coming out after Black Ops IIII, Red Dead Redemption II and even games like Forza 4, Assassins Creed Odyssey and a few others was always going to be a challenge. Gamers only have so much money and so much free time!

EA clearly thought that they would get some big sales in the holiday season, but as they themselves have had to slash the price in half, clearly sales are poor. Had they held off and released the game in say February or March, it could have stood out from the shadow of Black Ops IIII and last year’s WWII. As good as Battlefield V is, I feel that some decisions were made which ultimately decided its fate before it was even released.


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