People Are Not Happy With The Black Ops IIII Grind

People Are Not Happy With The Black Ops IIII Grind

It is fair to say that so far, Call of Duty Black Ops IIII has had a fantastic launch. I have not really heard anyone say anything negative about the game… until now.

Kotaku posted a very interesting article about the grind that is required in order to get all of the stuff from the first Contraband Steam. Of course, the Contraband Stream is the Black Ops version of the tiers that Fortnite has. Where you move up tiers and as you do you will earn new items such as character skins, face paint, emotes and so on. It is a fun way to be rewarded for just playing the game.

However, the dark side of this is that you can move up tiers by spending real world money, just like you can in Fortnite. Kotaku though has done the math and realized that it is one heck of a grind to get all of the items that the Contraband Steam has to offer. There are 200 tiers for you to move up through which is great it certainly keeps you busy. It lasts for 50 days, but it works out that it takes roughly one hour to move up just one tier. This means that you will have to play for around four hours each day in order to make it all the way up to the 200th tier. They have speculated that this grind is there to try and entice you into spending real world money.

I would think that after the nightmare the folks at EA and DICE had with their progression system last year in Battlefront II that Activision would want to avoid something like this. At the same time though is what they are doing any different than what Fortnite does?


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