Call of Duty Black Ops 4 Gets Big Update

Call of Duty Black Ops 4 Gets Big Update

Treyarch was very active on the Black Ops IIII sub-Reddit letting us know what is in store for the big November 9th update.

There is a ton to talk about so if you want all the details head over there to see it, but here are a few of the things that grabbed my attention.

First of all in regards to Blackout mode they have taken out the super overpowered 9 Bang Flash Grenade. I hate this thing! I have never actually found one to use, but I have been hit with it a ton of times.

You know the creepy as hell Blightfather? Well, the Blightfather has been taken away from IX and put into Blackout mode! He is hanging around the graveyard that is south of the Asylum. He is no pushover, but if you can take him down you will be very well rewarded. This is a special event and it is available on PC, Xbox One and PS4. No word on how long the Blightfather will be hanging around the graveyard for so take him on while you have the chance.

Some new Blackout Character missions have also been added as part of this updated. The Black Ops 4 Chaos thing is pretty cool. Treyarch has also said that there is now an increased chance that you can play as Diego, Scarlett, Bruno or Shaw.

Zombies mode has also had some work done, but as far as I can tell the work that is done is to make the game run smoother which I am happy for. Hopefully, it will also make starting a game a much quicker process.


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