Battlefield V Is Out Now

Battlefield V Is Out Now

Sure the release date was confusing as hell, but I have spent the last couple of days putting some serious time into Battlefield V and I wanted to share my thoughts on the game.

I have talked a lot about how most of the gaming media are happy with how things have started with Battlefield V. I was not the biggest fan of the beta, but I do think that Battlefield V is a solid first person shooter after spending more than a few hours with it.

You get a campaign and a solid multiplayer experience out of the box and of course, Battle Royale is coming next year. I have dabbled a little in the campaign and I have enjoyed it so far. DICE always bring the sky high production values and so far from the chapter or two I have played it is well made, but it is not the most interesting story I have ever played. Especially when you consider how good Call of Duty WWII was last year. Still, it has the potential to get better and I will finish it.

The multiplayer has been a blast, I was actually a little surprised at how fast paced it was for a Battlefield game. I have been finding myself saying “just one more game” and then an hour later still be playing it. The game does have a few “technical “issues, but it is not been anything that has made me mad, have to reset the PS4 or anything like that. However, I have heard that some people have had a few issues with the game crashing or running not too great.

I think Battlefield V is a lot of fun and while it is not perfect, it is a game that I plan on putting a lot more time into. I am very interested to see how DICE are going to improve this as the year goes on and they, of course, are finishing off the campaign in December.


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