The Best Assault Rifles and LMG’s In Black Ops IIII

The Best Assault Rifles and LMG’s In Black Ops IIII

Like you guys I have been having a blast (no pun intended) playing Black Ops IIII. While I have been enjoying actually playing the game I have also had a lot of fun getting into the community more and delving deeper into the game. For example, I have found it very interesting looking at the stats for the different weapons in the game.

I am more of a run and gun style player so I thought I would start by taking a look at the LMG’s and rifles that Call of Duty Black Ops IIII has to offer.

VKM 750: This is the most powerful weapon in this class and it is an LMG. It has the highest base damage and headshot damage. The base damage is 62 and the headshot damage is 68. This means that it takes three shots no matter where you hit to kill your opponent.

Titan: This is another LMG and the second most powerful. The base damage is 46 and the headshot damage is 59. So three headshots will take a guy down and four body shots will take them down. While it is not the most powerful, I actually really like this weapon and thanks to being quicker than the VKM 750 I actually think it is a better gun.

Rampart 17: Now if you ask me the Rampart 17 is the best assault rifle in the game so far. It has a base damage of 46, headshot damage of 50 and the fastest time to kill (with a headshot) of any gun in this class. Four body shots and three headshots are what is needed to kill an enemy.

These are just three of the weapons in this category. I know that the VKM 750 has the most power behind it, but I really do prefer the Titan as it is faster.


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