Player Count In Call Of Duty Blackout Mode Has Changed

Player Count In Call Of Duty Bo4 Blackout Mode Changed

We all know that 100 players seem to be the sweet spot for a Battle Royale game. Call of Duty Black Ops IIII Blackout mode has been a lot of fun and I will be honest and say that I never really gave the player count much thought.

Well clearly (and we know this because of the beta) Treyarch really want to get the player count up to 100 for all of the modes that Blackout has. Well, Call of Duty Black Ops IIII has been out for a week at this point and Treyarch has done their first bit of tinkering with the game.

In duos and solo mode, Blackout would allow you to play with 87 other players. The four player squad mode did cater for 100 players. Well in an interesting twist, Duos has now increased from 88 to 100 and squads have been changed to 88.

It appears that this is not a permanent thing as duos with 100 players is the featured playlist. So perhaps this is Treyarch still tinkering with Blackout mode to try and see what the ideal player count is. I will say that I have not had any issues with 88 players being the maximum player count in solos.

 However, I think having 100 for duos and squads is right where they want to be. Still, if they are going to do that they might as well go the extra mile and have solos be 100.

I am very interested to see what kind of changes Treyarch are going to bring to Blackout mode as the year progresses.


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