Some Of The Worst First Person Shooters I Have Played

Some Of The Worst First Person Shooters I Have Played

I thought that I would have a little bit of fun today. I have been playing first person shooters for years now. Ever since my buddy who had a PC in high school let me play Doom, I have been hooked.

Well while I have played some fantastic first person shooters, I have also played some less than great ones too. That is what I want to talk about today, poke a little fun at some first person shooters that I thought were going to be great, but turned out to be a dud.

Trespasser PC 1998

I begged and I begged my parents to let me get a PC just so I could play this game! That is right some people wanted a PC for Doom others Half-Life, The Trespasser was the game that dictated I needed a PC. I saved and I saved, plus the fact I was able to convince my folks that a PC was good for the whole family meant that they footed most of the bill if I am honest.

I did not get Trespasser until after it had come out and read some terrible reviews…. I did not care. I loved Jurassic Park, I was enamored with first person games and this was going to be the best first person game ever made. Turns out it was not. Trespasser at the time did not look horrible, but it is one of the most frustrating games I have ever played. Just picking something up is an exercise in frustration. Plus when you do come head to head with a dinosaur, good luck surviving it. I put hours and hours into this game as it was one of only a handful of PC games I had for a while. I freaking hated this game, but I would never admit that to myself or anyone else.

Blacksite: Area 51 Xbox 360 (also on PS3 and PC) 2007

Man talk about a disappointment! In the days of the original Xbox, one of my favorite first person shooters was a game from Midway called Area 51. I loved aliens and sci-fi so a shooter set in Area 51 had me intrigued from the get go. I loved Area 51 and played through it multiple times. As a matter of fact, it is one of my favorite first person shooters from that console generation. Then came talk of a sequel, Blacksite: Area 51.

This was released on Xbox 360 and I could not have been any more excited. To be honest, while it is set around Area 51 it is not actually a sequel. I pre-ordered this and took the day off from work to play it….. and it sucked. It was very average, by the numbers half-assed first person shooter that had these annoying forced “strategy” elements thrown into it. I would not say that Blacksite: Area 51 is a horrible game, but it is one of the most disappointing games I have ever played.

I would love to know from you guys what some of the most disappointing or worst first person shooters/games you have played over the years are.


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