Battlefield V Has Disappointing Pre Order Numbers

Battlefield V Has Disappointing Pre Order Numbers

It has been well documented that October 2018 is one of the busiest months for games in many, many years. Battlefield V, Black Ops IIII, Assassins Creed, Red Dead 2, WWE 2K19 and a few others as well are all being released in a few weeks of each other. Clearly, not all of these games can succeed as people only have so much money…… and Battlefield looks like it could be the big AAA that disappoints this holiday season.

Going off pre order numbers, EA and DICE are not over the moon with what Battlefield V has done so far. It is not unusual for a COD game and a Battlefield game to be released close together, but Red Dead Redemption 2 has thrown a wrench in the works. Both Black Ops IIII and Red Dead 2 are vastly outperforming Battlefield V in terms of its pre-orders. Of course, once the game is released and word gets out about it, sales could pick up.

However just a couple of years ago there was a similar situation with Titanfall 2. Titanfall 2 is a phenomenal game it had probably the best first person shooter single player campaign of 2016 and the multiplayer was great too. Unfortunately, it was released in close proximity to Call Of Duty Infinite Warfare and Battlefield 1. As a result of this Titanfall 2 vastly underperformed even though it received critical acclaim. Even with the praise that it received, Titanfall 2 never managed to recover.

It looks like DICE and EA could have a similar situation on their hands with Battlefield V. I for one am still excited for Battlefield V, but I can see why some people would rather spend their money on Black Ops IIII and Red Dead Redemption 2.


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