Battlefield V Getting Second Alpha Test This Week

Battlefield V Getting Second Alpha Test This Week

I will admit that my PC could not run Battlefield V at a respectable level, but if your PC can then you may be able to take part in the second Battlefield V Alpha Test which is taking place on the 14th of August.

Once again this is only for PC Battlefield V players and it is invite only. If you were part of the first alpha test then you will automatically be asked to be part of this one. However, EA is apparently sending out more invites as they really want to put those servers through their paces.

The main focus of this Battlefield V Alpha Test is matchmaking and squad joining functionality. DICE and EA want players to let them know who this is going and if it is as smooth as can be. All of the weapons, maps and so on are being tweaked so that EA can make sure the game is as well balanced as possible.

They have said that they want players to play the game as they normally would, but to keep an eye on how they are progressing. DICE and EA came under a lot of fire for the progression system that they put in Star Wars Battlefront II so it goes without saying that they want to make sure it is just right for Battlefield V.

While it sucks that console only players cannot be part of the alpha (to be honest I would have been more surprised if they had) EA have said that they want to hear feedback from people who are normally console gamers. I find this very interesting and it shows that they are not just focusing on the PC.

Hopefully, those of you who are part of the Battlefield V Alpha Test will have a lot of fun and do your part to help shape Battlefield V into the game we all want it to be. On a side note in my 30 years of gaming, I have only ever managed to get into two alphas!!!!


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