Battlefield 5 Closed Alpha Coming Soon

Battlefield 5 Closed Alpha Coming Soon

One of the many first person shooter games that is coming later this year which is not getting as much attention as I thought it would is Battlefield 5.

Perhaps it is because people are not happy with what EA did with Star Wars Battlefront 2 or maybe it is because last year’s Call Of Duty WW2 already took us back to World War 2 and did a great job in doing so? No matter what, Battlefield 5 feels like it has 5ery little fanfare, especially compared to Battlefield 1.

Battlefield 5 is due out this October so many of us have been wanting a little bit of news in regards to when the first opportunity for us to test this game is going to happen.
A gentleman by the name of Jim Hejl who works at EA as a principal software engineer had this to say about Battlefield 5 on his Twitter.

“There will be a Closed Alpha for Battlefield 5. (You’ll hear more about it later this month)
I will ha5e a block of codes and we’re gonna have a “Content Creation Contest” to give them away!”

Clearly, the folks at EA did not want this news getting out here just yet as it was quickly taken down, but not before many eagle-eyed Battlefield fans snapped a screenshot. While it is good news to know that the closed alpha is very close. What I am more excited for is that this means that some kind of open beta could very well be happening the following month.

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