What Would Make Call Of Duty Black Ops 4 The Best COD Yet

What Would Make Call Of Duty Black Ops 4 The Best COD Yet?

I have been playing Call Of Duty for years and to be honest I think that it is one of the better series out there. There is far more good Call Of Duty games than bad ones, which when you consider how many Call Of Duty games there are is very impressive. Today I want to share a few things that I feel Call Of Duty Black Ops 4 needs to be the best game in the series yet!


Call Of Duty Black Ops has a story that I and many of you have gotten very invested in. I have no doubt that Treyarch is working on something great for the story. However, I am not sure if it would be best for them to have a whole new story or if Black Ops 4 should be the culmination of everything that has happened in the series so far.


While WAR Mode is Sledgehammer Games baby, it is a mode that is so much fun, I would love to see it return in the next Call Of Duty game. Having multiplayer battles that actually have objectives really does make for exciting gameplay. I would love to see this expanded on and also there to be more than three maps when the game launches, I personally feel that five would be the sweet spot.


The last thing I want to mention is that there are so many games that are released these days that are clearly not ready and while Call Of Duty has not been as guilty of this as some other major games. I really hope that the guys at Treyarch are not taking the “oh we can patch it later” kind of attitude. I am sure they will not, but I hope that Call Of Duty Black Ops 4 is ready for war when it is released.

What things do you feel need to be part of Call Of Duty Black Ops 4 when it launches to make sure it is the best game in the series?


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