Patch For Xbox One Version Of PUBG Is On The Way

Patch For Xbox One Version Of PUBG Is On The Way

PUBG has taken the world by storm, but for Xb1 players (which I am) the game can be rough…. Like really rough. It is a game that I really, really want to love and when it is running good, I do have a fun time playing the game.

Xbox One PUBG players have been getting annoyed at the lack of information about a patch to fix various performance issues. For me personally, just flat out crashing is the main issue that I have had time and time again, but there are many other issues players have been happening.

On the PUBG sub Reddit, the team behind the game have said that a patch is coming and it will be here in the next few weeks, but no specific date was given. As far as what this patch is going to do, they said that the patch will be released in order to “optimization and improving stability” which sounds good to me. Not much other information has been given, but just making the gameplay better is the focus of this patch and for most of us that is all we want.

Even PUBG on Xbox One is rough! So it is not a processing power kind of issue. Hopefully, the patch that is released is going to make PUBG even more fun and to be honest with you, I think they need it as Fortnite Battle Royal is starting to become the go to battle royal game for a lot of people.


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