How To Level Up Faster In Call Of Duty WWII

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How To Level Up Faster In Call Of Duty WWII
How To Level Up Faster In Call Of Duty WWII: How To Level Up Faster In Call Of Duty WWII
Tips For War Mode In Call Of Duty WWII
Tips For War Mode In Call Of Duty WWII: Tips For War Mode In Call Of Duty WWII
ModsRus Mods Level Up Faster In Call Of Duty WWII #ModsRus Mods
ModsRus Mods Level Up Faster In Call Of Duty WWII #ModsRus Mods: ModsRus Mods Level Up Faster In...
Tips For War Mode In Call Of Duty WWII
Tips For War Mode In Call Of Duty WWII  


ModsRus Mod Controllers Xb1 & Playstation 4  


War Mode is one of the best new things that Sledgehammer Games added to Call Of Duty WWII. While we wish there were a few more maps, we have had a blast with this mode and wanted to share a few basic tips with you for this mode so you can have as much fun as we are.

You Have To Work As A Team

We cannot think of another game mode in Call Of Duty that requires teamwork as much as War Mode. In an ideal world, you will have a headset so you can communicate with the rest of your squad. If you do not, make sure you are doing your part, completing objectives or even becoming a human target so that one of your teammates can complete an objective while the enemy is busy with you.

Use Smoke Grenades

Smoke grenades… really? Well yes, while these are kind of useless in most other game modes, War Mode is not like other game modes in Call Of Duty WWII. Smoke grenades can allow you to get in and build that bridge, or provide cover so you can get away from that tank. As soon as you have them unlocked, add them to your loadout.

Take Advantage Of Your Defenses

When you are playing on the defensive side, take the time to build up your defenses. This can be a great way to make the enemy go where you want them to go or even get them to try and take them down, leaving them vulnerable as they do.

Use Your Knowledge Of The Maps

As there are only three maps, you will know them very well. Use this to your advantage. Anticipate the areas that the enemy is most likely going to attack from and set up a trap. Find areas that are easy to hide in so you can make it to an objective. Just take the time to learn the maps as best you can.

How To Level Up Faster In Call Of Duty WWII
How To Level Up Faster In Call Of Duty WWII


Call of Duty Controllers Xbox One  

We love Call Of Duty WWII and with the Thanksgiving Double XP Weekend here, we thought we would give you some tips on ways you can make the most of it and level up even faster!

Play War Mode

War Mode is already a ton of fun, but if you play it correctly, you can really rack up some major XP. By playing it correctly, we mean actually completing your objectives and not just running around killing people. War Mode can be a gold mine if you are completing objectives and picking up a win, even more so this weekend.

Hardpoint And Domination Are Good Too

We get that a game of War Mode can last quite a while, but if you want something quick, fast and more traditional Call Of Duty, we suggest you play as many games of Hardpoint and Domination as you can. Do not just try and survive though, get in there, get the objectives done and get the matches over as quickly as possible, you can really make some nice XP this way.

WWII Orders And Contracts

Ok so WWII Orders tend to be supply drops, but we have gotten some nice XP boosts by completing WWII. Likewise taking the time to do some of the contracts, ones that you are actually good at is a fantastic way for you to earn a little extra XP on top of what you are already doing, especially during the Call Of Duty WWII Double XP Weekend.

The is no shortcut to getting XP in Call Of Duty, but make sure when you are in a game, you actually play and if it is an objectives based game mode, do the objectives, you do this and you will notice your XP really start to increase. 


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