Call Of Duty WW11 Allows You To Play As Any Kind Of Character

Call Of Duty WWII Allows You To Play As Any Kind Of Character

The more us here at Mods “R” Us hear about Call Of Duty WWII, the more excited we get. Well, just recently a small bit of information has been released that while not groundbreaking is still very interesting. As you know, Call Of Duty WWII is going to feature epic multiplayer battles pitting the Allies against the Nazi’s.

Well, the Nazi’s as we all know was incredibly racist and you had to fit into what they saw as perfect. But Sledgehammer Games have made the smart decision to ignore this and let people play as female and black characters in multiplayer.

Some have said that this is not historically accurate, but we think it is really cool that people are going to be able to play as their avatar and not have to create a special one or make a whole new one just in case they get put on the Nazi team in multiplayer.

This is a small piece of news, but we think it shows just how much, Sledgehammer Games are going that extra mile to make sure as many people as possible are going to have a great time with Call Of Duty WWII.

If you want to make sure you have an edge in Call Of Duty WWII. Have a look at our feature packed modded controllers which we have for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.With our modded controllers you will be able to shoot more accurately, reload faster and in general just rule the battlefield.



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